For my film preliminary I worked with Louise, Kam, Tommy & Rob I think we all wored effectively together. Kam & Tommy took the role as camera men, Rob starred as the villain in the film, Louise directed the piece and drew up our story board and i starred as the victim.We came up with our film completely on our own and used our own creativity to come up with what we got. We planned our piece by drawing out a story board before we began filming. We used a camera and then to downlaod and edit our piece we used a apple Mac and a fire wire to transfer our piece onto the Mac, we then used garage band to put music to our film after we had edited it and cut certain parts out. We didnt come across any difficulties during our filming or planning.The film ocnventions we have followed is usign backing music, speech , using the 180 degree rule, match on action (door scene) and a variety of camera angles. Before we began to film we found a dark location in one of the drama rooms to give a tenese atmosphere and made sure we had a chair and bag from props, we needed the chair so I could sit on and look as though i was tied to it and like i was being victimized and a bag was put over my head, and for Rob we used costume to make him look scary, intemidating and to mask his face with a bandanna. We can apply Barthes's codes theory as we have the action code of Rob looking like the 'baddy' about to open the door, and also we can use the enigma code as we then cut to a shot of katie tied up on a chair looking vulnerable. Overall i think our film was a successful piece, i think the acting left a little bit to be desired but other than that the camera shots went well, we had a variety of ideas between us and we generally worked well as a team. If i were to improve it , id get more dialogue in so the audience can understand what was going on and get a more of a darker atmosphere. From this piece i have decided i almost deffinitly would like to do filming in my practical.